Desert Strike 1338
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Desert Strike 1338

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Editor (Coder)
Editor (Coder)

Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-05-23

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PostSubject: Developer News   Developer News Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 3:00 am

Hi there, haven't been here for quite some time, sorry about that.

Sylon and me will work a whole week on Desert Strike 1338 soon, so we'd like you to post all your suggestions with as few words as possible (like -nerf <bla> because <blub> thats totally imba !).
We will look through it and fix/add as much as possible. Thanks in advance.

We'd also like you to know that a second tournament will be announced soon (well, this actually anounces it, but I mean with date and time).
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